season 2 starts soon. ready to do something incredible?

the journey is an 8-month, online program where teens 13-18 learn how to launch a business, gain future-ready skills and find their passions. season 2 begins october 12.

“I built a snow plow for bikes”
s1 student
“I'm scaling a community of anime fans”
s1 student
"I'm helping teens find themselves"
s1 student
"i launched an etsy store"
s1 student
"I'm building circular economy"
s1 student
“I launched a secondhand clothing biz”
s1 student
“I created a board game”
s1 student
“I wrote and published a book”
s1 student
“I built a snow plow for bikes”
s1 student
“I'm scaling a community of anime fans”
s1 student
"I'm helping teens find themselves"
s1 student
"i launched an etsy store"
s1 student
"I'm building circular economy"
s1 student
“I'm launching a secondhand clothing biz”
s1 student
“I am building a board game”
s1 student
“I wrote a book”
s1 student

it’s all online. meets 2h every week.with teens around the world.

you’ll figure out what excites you, learn how to bring it to life, and create something people care about with the help of our program guides, community, mentors and experts.

🚀  launch a business
😎  gain confidence
🎲  get new skills
✌️ make like-minded friends

want to learn more?

thanks! we'll send you an email right away.
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“I built a snow plow for bikes”
s1 student
“I'm scaling a community of anime fans”
s1 student
"I'm helping teens find themselves"
s1 student
"i launched an etsy store"
s1 student
“I built a snow plow for bikes”
s1 student
“I'm scaling a community of anime fans”
s1 student
"I'm helping teens find themselves"
s1 student
"i launched an etsy store"
s1 student
“I built a snow plow for bikes”
s1 student
“I'm scaling a community of anime fans”
s1 student
"I'm helping teens find themselves"
s1 student
"i launched an etsy store"
s1 student
“I built a snow plow for bikes”
s1 student
“I'm scaling a community of anime fans”
s1 student
"I'm helping teens find themselves"
s1 student
"i launched an etsy store"
s1 student
"I'm building circular economy"
s1 student
“I launched a secondhand clothing biz”
s1 student
“I built a board game”
s1 student
“I wrote and published a book”
s1 student
"I'm building circular economy"
s1 student
“I launched a secondhand clothing biz”
s1 student
“I created a board game”
s1 student
“I wrote and published a book”
s1 student
"I'm building circular economy"
s1 student
“I launched a secondhand clothing biz”
s1 student
“I created a board game”
s1 student
“I wrote and published a book”
s1 student
"I'm building circular economy"
s1 student
“I'm launching a secondhand clothing biz”
s1 student
“I am building a board game”
s1 student
“I wrote a book”
s1 student

what you’ll love about The Journey

a sneak peek into season 2

bring your ideas to life

our students create shops, products and books. no ideas yet? no problem. we’ll help

improve your confidence

encouraged by a supportive network, you’ll become more secure with yourself and your ideas

get a mentor

we’ll pair you with a mentor who cares about your growth, providing 1:1 support for the entire program

join our global community

make new friends who are like you -- curious, ambitious, and want to improve and do cool things

find your passions

we explore humanity’s top global issues and find ways to tap into them using our own perspectives.

get skills to thrive

learn about embracing failure, time management, pitching an idea, how to invest and so much more


you will learn.
    a lot.    

find your passion and mission
  • go beyond surface level knowledge on different topics and find what you love
  • learn how to communicate your ideas and solutions
  • learn how to come up with startup ideas
  • build an audience around your mission
Launch a startup from 0 to 1
  • Build an mvp (minimum viable product)
  • Understand how to validate a need or a problem and shape it into a business
  • Learn how to iterate based on customer feedback
  • Understand marketing funnels and how to build one that works
grow your project
  • Learn how to use automation, spreadsheets and ai to your advantage
  • Learn different ways to monetize your startup and how to do it right
  • Get insights on sales tactics that will work for you
  • Build in public. share your learnings and obstacles and build an audience around you
learn real-world skills to thrive
  • Learn about personal finance, budgeting and investing
  • Get a bias to action and ditch overthinking
  • Get good at time management and task prioritization
  • Learn to give and receive feedback
  • Get comfortable with failing fast so you can learn quickly
  • Cultivate a growth mindset
  • Learn how to deal with rejection
  • Familiarize yourself with AI: learn how it will impact our world and get ahead
do incredible things
  • Be part of a community of teens and mentors ready to push themselves out of their comfort zone, do extraordinary things, and support and challenge each other.
  • participate in a hackathon and develop a solution to a problem in 24h
  • Boost your confidence by doing hard things and accomplishing milestones
  • Acquire atomic habits and learn how to get 1% better every day

join us for season 2

from october 12 , 2024 to june 1, 2025

choose a time that works for you. you’ll meet at this time each week with your cohort.

time options

11 am - 1 pm ET
3 pm - 5pm ET
times are in eastern time (usa)

supported by mentors who really care about you


what our families say


student, 15 y/o

jan 2024

I absolutely love The Journey. It's a program which allows for teens both to learn to bond and collaborate with others, along with working on a bunch of cool personal skills – for example, public speaking and how to manage your own projects! It inspires me in what form and shape the context is given and how much fun it is to explore and learn.


astrid's mom, 13 y/o

feb 2024

My daughter has really enjoyed learning about starting a business and being a good citizen. She has learned how to use open source software and create a website which she recently used in a science project. She is learning how to make and run a budget on excel and is working to start her own business. This program is ideal for any teen that has entrepreneurial ambitions. Additionally if your a parent that homeschools your child this is a great program to learn about business and finance. I highly recommend The Journey. Jorge and Joan have made a great effort to communicate everything they are teaching and the input that the teens add to the conversation. Your teen will meet and engage with people from all over the world. What an excellent way to not only network but make friends.


student, 16 y/o

feb 2024

I have had the most wonderful time with The Journey. I wasn't sure how it would fit into practical application and relevance for me immediately, but I have learnt so much about building a business, finance and market research that I can now see how to make my dreams a reality. I am a musician, so I thought that was primarily a creative endeavour... I now know that this is my product and the steps required to build this as a business.
Jorge leads The Journey with so much enthusiasm for the group and for what we are learning. He is super encouraging and very knowledgeable. The information is never dumbed down, yet he explains it in a way that stays interesting, not heavy and builds our knowledge in a way that is practical/ applicable so we retain it and can see how it all fits together.
I am so grateful for this experience. Both for the incredible teaching and the careful selection of people I get to learn with. This cohort has been so supportive, yet we push each other to be better. It makes me feel more capable, clear on my plan for the future and I could not recommend The Journey more highly.


mary's mom, 15 y/o

june 2024

As a parent, I'm always on the lookout for enriching experiences that can help my daughter grow and prepare for her future. The Journey program has been an absolute game-changer for my 15-year-old. Over the past year, she's been immersed in a world of technology, management, and personal development that's opened her eyes to so many possibilities. Perhaps most importantly, my daughter adores this program. She looks forward to every session and often spends her free time expanding on what she's learned. It's rare to find an educational experience that teenagers genuinely love, but Journey has managed to create something truly special.


xavier's mom, 16 y/o

mar 2024

My son Xavier has been part of The Journey since October 2023. The timing for us has been fantastic. Xav has a very clear idea of what he wants for his future, so being mentored as he works on his individual project at The Journey has provided a guide for him to formulate a plan and review how it is all going. The concepts could be challenging, but they are presented thoroughly and simply through the expertise and enthusiasm of Jorge, so the students willingly engage with matched interest. I am particularly impressed with the practical application of the concepts presented, the problem-solving activities they engage with, the critical thinking expected and the systematic planning that is taught. From the next room I can hear laughing as they are really enjoying the experience, I also hear debate, respectful listening and a sense of them working together. I see my son emerge after the 2.5 hour session inspired and excited by the teaching and the other students. I have recommended a number of people to The Journey as I believe this is a valuable and unique learning opportunity.


arush's dad, 13 y/o

mar 2024

The Journey is truly life-changing. I am surprised at my son's positive changes during this short time at Journey (He went from hating to write essays to starting to write a book) and his curiosity has only increased on learning new things. I would certainly recommend for any teens who need a great mentor for creating/developing new projects.


Daniel and ana's dad, 14 y/o

apr 2024

It is going to be hard for our teenagers to graduate from The Journey. It’s been hard to even get them to leave after each two hour session. My highlight is that the program offers a solid curriculum, but all its content has been contextually challenged and acclimatized (cognitively, emotionally). The team dynamic dictates when, how and what the next challenge is going to be. Throughout each session, prior knowledge is questioned and concepts are tested. The level of trust needed, support, understanding, continuity, the fun in learning together… the Journey brings it all. Chapeau, Jorge!
STUDENT Eligibility

we’re looking for you

we’re looking for curious teenagers that want to do something amazing, whether you already know what that is or not.

you're a fit if:

you are 13-18 years old

you are fluent in English -- our program is in English

you have access to a computer, mic and headphones

you are ready to put in 3+ extra hours a week on your projects beyond our 2h weekly session

a week in the life of the journey

in addition to a 2h live session, you’ll progress your goals throughout the week

💻 2h: live cohort session

each week, attend a workshop with your cohort about a specific topic – like idea validation, financial literacy or business automation.
you’ll learn the systems and mental models you need to develop your project on your own time.
sessions are led by your dedicated program guide, with visits by experts and guest speakers.
our sessions are practical, engaging and insightful.

🔥 +2h: work on your project

outside of sessions, you may need to do research, run tests, make sales, or other tasks for your specific project. this is flexible, and completely depends on you. great results come with dedication.
some weeks will require more time, and some less. but as a general rule of thumb, the more you put in, the more you get out.

🚀 1h: 1:1 mentoring and coaching

meet with your mentor weekly. anytime you need with your program guide.

🧡 up to you: community events

brain dates, socials, cross-cohort events. these are optional and a ton of fun.

i want to start a baking business
i want to start a startup
I want to build a clothing brand
I want to create a product
i want to find my passions
i want to start a business
I want to build a community
I want to develop myself
i want to start a baking business
i want to start a startup
I want to build a clothing brand
I want to create a product
i want to find my passions
i want to start a business
I want to build a community
I want to develop myself

join season the main character in this incredible journey

this could be you
how to join

ready for this? start your journey now



complete our application and tell us why you want to join the journey



jump on a 1:1 informal call so we can learn more about you. you can also ask all your questions


get started

submit your deposit, pick your cohort and get ready for an incredible journey


join season 2

begin your journey

launch your business or project

acquire a global network of ambitious teens

get 1:1 mentoring by founders, experts and ceos who’ve done it before

improve your self-confidence and grit

financial aid is available. check out our faq for more info.

1-month money back

If by the end of the first month you’re not 100% satisfied with your experience, get a 100% refund.

how can we help?

have a question or need assistance? Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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have more questions?
we have answers.

how much does The Journey cost?

tuition for The Journey is $375/month.

we have a 1-month money back guarantee. If you are not 100% satisfied, get 100% of your money back. no questions asked.
for families with multiple children attending, we offer a 15% discount off each additional child.

is it all online?

100% online. as long as you have internet access and a computer, you can attend sessions from wherever you are in the world.

what are key dates and deadlines?

application process: applications for season 2 are open and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. 
program dates: s2 of The Journey starts the week of october 12. you can select a cohort at the day and time that works for you. choose from:

+ saturdays 11am-1pm et
+ sundays 3-pm et
if you do not see one of theeptions when you go to select your time, it means the cohort is already full.
The Journey runs weekly for nine months through june 1, 2025. there will be no classes december 23 2024 - january 1, 2025.

how do i join?

1. review the website to make sure you’re excited about the program
2. submit an application here
3. we’ll review your application
4. you’ll hear back from us within two business days
5. if you’re a fit, we’ll schedule a 30 minute chat to get to know you and your family better
6. you’ll find out if you’ve been accepted and have the opportunity to accept your spot!

who can participate?

any teen between the ages of 13-18 can attend The Journey. we require that all students can speak and write fluently in english. Other than that, we welcome all types of students from all over the world.
as long as you bring an open mind, have a curious mindset, and commit to actively participating throughout the program, you’re a qualified applicant for The Journey.
it does not matter if you were part of an earlier season.

what can i expect from each session?

each session, we explore a topic presented by a program guide or a guest speaker. through first principles thinking, we dissect problems, brainstorm solutions, and assess their viability.
every week will have its own flavor, but the collaboration can range from coming up with a business idea, creating a pitch, or researching the best solutions for the impact of AI in the workforce.
students participate in small group discussions, conduct research in teams and collaborate. each group will present their findings and pitch ideas to the larger cohort.
our learning process is inquiry-based and hands-on, with a clear bias for action. our program guides offer guidance, provide support, and ask thought provoking questions.

are there holidays in season 2?

the journey is closed for holiday from december 23, 2024 to january 1, 2025.

is there financial aid available?

we offer financial aid to families that qualify.

once you’ve been accepted to the program, you can request financial aid, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
for families with multiple children attending, we offer a 15% discount off each additional child.

can't find the answer to your question?

contact us

how can we help?

have a question or need assistance? Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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how can we help?

have a question or need assistance? Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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thanks! we'll send you an email right away.
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